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24th July 2024

B2B content creators can learn a lot from TikTok and YouTube

The harsh reality Picture this: a creative team puts in countless hours and significant resources to produce a high-quality video. The production value is through

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Emile Kronfli Profile Image
Written by
Emile Kronfli
10th July 2024

An intro to news writing (Part 2) — enticing your readers to read on

In a previous blog we looked at the structure of a news story and the importance of the inverted triangle. We looked at how you

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Tim Richardson Profile Image
Written by
Tim Richardson
18th June 2024

An intro to ‘intros’ (Part 1) — the ABC WWWWWH of news writing

News writing isn’t just the sole preserve of journalists — it’s a technique that is invaluable to B2B content producers. In fact, I would go

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Tim Richardson Profile Image
Written by
Tim Richardson
13th June 2024

Are shifting search habits changing the face of consumer tech PR?

Back in the days of dial-up modems, there was only one person any self-respecting web surfer asked for help — his name was Jeeves. Yes,

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Megan Hill Profile Image
Written by
Megan Hill
10th June 2024

ChatGPT outage spreads panic among those now hooked on chatbot for work

ChatGPT is now back up and running after an outage floored the service for a large part of the working day (4 June).  The headlines

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Tim Richardson Profile Image
Written by
Tim Richardson
29th May 2024

Stop press! Why every PR and marketer needs to learn news writing and the inverted triangle

Writing’s easy…if you know what you want to say. And that’s the problem. Figuring out what you want to say can sometimes be a struggle

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Tim Richardson Profile Image
Written by
Tim Richardson
20th May 2024

A Wildfire perspective on AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly evolved from a novel technology to a vital feature in many new and existing digital tools. Since the advent of

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Chris King Profile Image
Written by
Chris King
3rd May 2024

It’s official! Wildfire is now an employee-owned business

A message from CEO Debby Penton I’m super excited to announce that Wildfire is now proudly a 100% employee-owned business. By selling our shareholding back

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Debby Penton Profile Image
Written by
Debby Penton
25th April 2024

How to Build a Consultant: Developing skills for life

Having been at Wildfire since 2006 — and walked the path from account manager to managing director — I have become a case study for the agency’s

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Chris King Profile Image
Written by
Chris King
14th March 2024

Share the love: how to build the best client-agency relationships

Working in PR, we’re in the business of making a name for our clients. But that doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate a bit of recognition

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Louise Palmer Profile Image
Written by
Louise Palmer