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Archive for: January 2023

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24th January 2023

Filipino courier culture: How Southeast Asian super-app Grab puts Uber to shame

Long-distance travel is inherently disorientating. Forcing your body to sleep when it wants to wake up, acclimatising to a new language, and not being able

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Ben Musgrove Profile Image
Written by
Ben Musgrove
12th January 2023

How the team has lived our Do Good value in 2022

As we settle in to 2023, I wanted to share how proud I am of the team and how we well and truly lived our

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Zoe McFarland Profile Image
Written by
Zoe McFarland
3rd January 2023

Can AI really pass the Turing test?

In an essay published in the 1950s, the mathematician and computer pioneer Alan Turing proposed the Turing test. It has become one of the most

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Alex Warren Profile Image
Written by
Alex Warren