A lot has been happening in the world of graphene since my first blog on the topic in June last year that has given the electronics industry lots of good reason to remain super excited. This lovely infographic handily summarises just some of the latest potential applications and trials. In the medical space rubber bands have even been infused with graphene flakes and successfully used to measure pulse and breathing, and detect speech, when placed around the wrist, chest and neck respectively.
However, according to Electronics Weekly the University of Southampton’s Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) claims to have discovered a potential challenger to graphene.
Catchily named molybdenum di-sulphide (MoS2) the new material shares many of its properties, including extraordinary electronic conduction and mechanical strength, but it is made from a metal/sulphide material. According to the University this means that unlike graphene, MoS2 can also emit light allowing applications, such as photodetectors and light emitting devices, to be manufactured.
Until recently, fabrication of materials like MoS2, has been difficult but the University appears to have cracked this problem.
So more exciting times ahead in the world of nanotechnology! And as a Southampton resident it’s good to see the University giving those graphene guys up in Manchester a run for their money.