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Curl up in bed

Posted by putsimply on 16th January 2008

With your computer?

Now, I don’t know about you but one of my greatest pleasures in life is those last few minutes in bed, before I turn out the light, when I get to lose myself between the pages of a book. Serious, literature, chick lit, biog – I don’t care, I’ll read it all and criticise later. I’m sure I am not the only one whose sole time for reading is between the sheets.

When I came across an article at the weekend on “pages of paperless pleasure” I was struck with the image of people hiding their laptops under the bedclothes and scrolling-down rather than page-turning. Will this lead to a new range of problems? Will we become even more squinty-eyed from peering at a white on grey screen rather than black on white; will people fall asleep while reading and the computers get damaged as they fall out of the bed? Is there any danger of fire or electrocution? Will there be space in the bed for me and my computer? Hmmmm

So, whist I think it is great to be able to read the Gutenberg Bible or Magna Carta without going to the British Library, I don’t think I am going to be reading my books online in the near future. Apart from anything else, you can’t turn down the corners on a webpage.
