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Britannia rules the Web

Posted by Danny Whatmough on 25th November 2008

A new Ofcom report reveals that the UK is leading the way in the take-up of digital services including broadband, digital TV and mobile.

The UK now has the highest rate of online ad spend (19%) and is the third ranking country for broadband connections (26%) behind the Netherlands and Sweden.

Writing for the Guardian, Charles Arthur argues that despite this rosy picture, our future will be less positive unless we find a way to quickly upgrade our ailing telephone system, bringing speeds of nearly 100Mb/s. Speeds that would radically change the way we work and play:

It means that you wouldn’t have to travel so much. And in a world – which is coming, never doubt it – where oil costs $300 per barrel, not travelling will seem like a good idea. It will mean that anything that doesn’t require actual atoms to be moved around will become possible.

But as Charles says, who is going to pay for this?

I’ve said before that as a country, we are in danger of lagging behind. At a time when economic considerations might make thoughts about upgrading internet connections seem slightly irrelevant, we would do well to consider how even better and faster broadband connections could really change the way the country operates and communciates, building a stronger economy and global position.

Danny Whatmough