After I graduated I was looking for a tech PR graduate role and I couldn’t wait to start researching agencies and get involved. Companies were delighted at the prospect of taking on tech savvy graduates with an enthusiasm for innovation, and I was beginning to understand why we might be playing a pivotal role in their growth.
Why tech?
The tech industry is certainly on the up and up, with substantial growth in the UK. Tech Nation has reported that in 2016 digital tech investment reached £6.8 billion, 50% higher than any other European country. As well as that, there are now 1.64 million digital tech jobs in the UK, so it is a fantastic time to get on board.
Every business is experiencing advancements in this area, with a general feeling that if you don’t keep up you will be left behind. I’ve been particularly drawn to the emergence of VR, gamification and E-sports that continue to cater to the excitement our generation craves. Similarities have recently been drawn between E-sports and traditional sports, in areas of strategy and coordination, so we are in for some exciting shifts in the norm and we are keen to see how the changes will evolve.
Why graduates?
Graduates provide a fresh outlook on the world, and a particular interest in getting their hands on whatever new technology arrives. We’re digital natives all growing up with a family computer and now having moved on to about 4 different screens of our own. Interconnectedness is commonplace, your peers can all be found on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and if you don’t have Facebook, you may be met with bewilderment. Digitalisation of media has encouraged us to keep up with this fast-moving digital landscape, we can access news and social networks at any hour of the day and we’re thrilled about it.
Being able to process information quickly and stay on top of multiple conversations at one time has helped with multi-tasking in the workplace, while probably not good for our stress levels, our ability to communicate in multiple channels at one time is a valuable skill to possess. We are receptive to new information and are becoming more opinionated in important areas particularly pertaining to world news and politics. We have a lot of ideas, we have loud voices and we are excited to use them to become experts in the tech world.
If you’re interested in applying for a tech PR graduate role at Wildfire visit our careers page.