As we’ve talked about before (and will have a lot more on soon), we advocate a ‘sustainable’ approach to social media here at Wildfire. We focus on engraining social thinking throughout an organisation through education and training rather than throwing money at ‘quick win’ social campaigns.
So I was interested to read an interview on Econsultancy with Mark Squires who is Director of Social Media at Nokia.
Mark makes the point that, while Nokia was perhaps a bit late to the party, this was mainly because they were planning a more sustainable approach to social media involvement:
“Before we started with social media, the basis was that, if you are going to talk to people, you need to do so in a sustainable manner. We didn’t just want to do it for the sake of it.”
He continues to reveal how social media requires an internal realignment of focus and input from throughout the enterprise:
“The problem is not engaging with customers via social media, but in bringing the rest of your company along with you. You can start a Twitter feed but eventually you will need help from other areas of the company to answer customer questions. Speed of response is key, and so you need every department on board for it to be effective.”
It’s a great interview and well worth a read. And it’s pleasing to see a company like Nokia taking a very strategic, grown-up approach to social media.
picture credit (disclosure: we do PR for Econsultancy)