This month we’re talking to Maise Ramsay, Associate Editor of US-based Wireless Week. Here she talks about her focus for 2012 and what she looks for in a PR pitch.
1. Describe your typical working day.
“I get in between 6.30 – 7am to meet our morning deadline. I scour the internet for any breaking news, do a quick check of the newswires and a scan of major media outlets and important websites likes US International Trade Commission and company blogs. I also check the FCC (US version of Ofcom) online docket for newly filed material on deals that it’s reviewing such as spectrum purchases.
“Once I’ve finished writing articles for our daily newsletter I update Facebook and Twitter and then turn my attention to features, research or any news that breaks later in the day.”
2. What’s the best tech story you’ve ever read?
“In terms of things I like to cover, rural broadband probably tops my list. It’s interesting to watch small regional operators battle for survival amid competition from huge companies. I also enjoy articles that illustrate the real life impact of technology. Our Senior Editor Andrew Berg recently wrote a piece on demonstrations of augmented reality at CES, describing how technology can seem like magic to the end user.
“Fortune magazine also recently ran an article on Apples’ culture of secrecy surrounding new products, which was really compelling.”
3. What’s the next big news for tech? What will be big in 2012?
“Devices are always hot and will continue to be so. Personally, I will be keeping my eye out for news about spectrum. Operators are thirsty for new spectrum and those airways are a pretty scarce resource, so there could be a number of interesting developments on that issue in the coming months and years. At the moment I’m keeping my eye on a number of spectrum stories, such as how the FCC handles Dish Networks’ attempts to use its satellite spectrum for terrestrial mobile broadband service.”
4. How important is social media in sourcing stories?
“I primarily use social media to engage with our audience but I do sometimes get hints and tips. As a trade publication though we delve into subjects which might be out of purview of the average Twitter user. I would, however, never dismiss the importance of the social media channel.”
5. What would catch your eye in a PR pitch
“Give me a concrete news item or a pitch on why the technology is important, compelling and news worthy. I often don’t get that in pitches. I usually get emails asking me to look at a company ‘because I represent them’. If there is no major development or the organisation is not in an area of the industry where a lot of news is happening, it’s probably not a good use of my time. If I just need to familiarise myself with the firm, I can do that on their website.
“Timing of phone calls is very important too. Pretty much anybody who calls me during my morning deadline will be asked to call back. I prefer to be contacted on email.”