Venture Beat has an interview with Twitter founder Biz Stone in which he reveals that commercial accounts are on their way:
“Twitter will still be free for everybody and we’ll still tell them to go crazy with it. But we’ve identified a selection of things that businesses say are helping to make them more profit. We want to build statistics or analytics that let users know — ‘How am I doing on Twitter?’”
This approach makes perfect sense, however as Venture Beat suggests, there is a danger that Twitter will begin to step on the toes of some of the third party APIs that are already offering similar features, such as Wildfire-favourite CoTweet.
Until know, Twitter has stayed true to its more ‘basic’ roots, providing a simple service that is free from the complexities found on other networks. These have, up till now, been left for the third party sites and services that have sprung up.
But the need to develop a revenue model has made Twitter examine ways in which users would pay for additional services.
Don’t forget you can now follow Wildfire on Twitter!