Technology is quickly becoming completely integrated into our everyday lives, driving us to a point in the future in which we’ll no longer physically interact with handheld gadgets. Instead tech is already proving its capability for seamless integration by changing its form factor from shiny silver goods to every day necessities that we couldn’t be without… clothes!
That’s something that I personally noticed about CES 2017 this year. Taking centre stage were the usual stars of the show – smart home gadgets, cool laptops and driverless cars – the trends that have been doing the rounds for a few years now. And rightly so!
However, the use of tech within everyday necessities fascinated me, as clothes are also adopting these hot trends such as VR and smart sensors. A less invasive design is paving the way for a new future for our garments, one that’s not just focused on looking good in the latest fashion trends, but something that could effortlessly assist us in the background.
Here are my top three pieces that I spotted at CES 2017:
1) Spinali Design shorts and jeans
These shorts and jeans are cunningly disguised as regular denim but the clever part is they are actually connected to your smartphone by Bluetooth via sensors, helping you with directions by sending vibrations to turn right or left when you need to. They also buzz to let you know if they you’ve got an incoming text or call, supposedly removing the need to constantly check our phones when we’re out and about. Handy!
2) Digisole
This clever insole fits snugly into your shoe and not only measures your footsteps but also heats up chilly tootsies in the cold weather. The discreet insole is a step on from more noticeable devices, like a wristband such as Fitbit®, as its actually against the soles of your feet, and no doubt the results will prove to be even more accurate.
3) Cerevo’s Taclim VR shoes and gloves
Ok, so admittedly this one isn’t exactly a shoe for wandering around the shops in, but it’s still a form of typical clothing. Pretty chunky in size, these slip-ons generate the sense of stepping on the ground in virtual spaces (desert, grassland, water etc.), elevating the immersive experience to the next level with touch and feel.
However if like me, you’re not quite ready to give up your mobile, Kindle, iPad, laptop and the other bits and pieces we lug around with us, then CES also unveiled clothing and accessories to help with that!
This large sleeveless SCOTTeVEST for example (again, not something you’re likely to see on the runway) is designed to hold an impressive 42 gadgets. The company even admits “if style isn’t necessarily your number one priority, you could fit everything you ever need in there.” Sounds great to me!
Or, if you just fancy popping your techy bits into a bag, CES also played host to Moshi’s Arcus backpack, which boasts multiple compartments including one that can hold a 15-inch laptop.
So there you have it, watch this space for our clothes to take it to new levels of intrigue in the tech space over the next few years!
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