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A new Standard newspaper design

Posted by Danny Whatmough on 18th May 2009

I blogged last week about the Evening Standard’s relaunch advertising campaign and last week, the new issue hit the news-stands.

So what’s it like?

Well. the revised version has much to commend it (as long as we ignore the ridiculously large and slightly dull new masthead). The ES has focused on exactly what I suggested it should – valuable news content. Gone are the pages and pages of breaking news (because, let’s face it, most commuters will have read most of this during the day at the office), replaced instead by in-depth features and analysis.

It is a good balance and one that clearly differentiates it from the other freesheets London commuters have on offer.

The relaunch sees a revised version of the ‘sorry’ advertising campaign, this time with a ‘promise’ to its existing (and new) readers.

So far, so good. We’ll see what happens when the next circulation figures come out.

Danny Whatmough