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It’s all going to die

Posted by putsimply on 16th April 2008

Well, we’re not just yet, but our access to the internet will be dead by 2010 if the doom and gloom merchants are to be believed. We’ll be on a road to nowhere.

It would appear that whilst providers of content are working hard to make the public’s use of the internet a full-on experience and a one-stop-shop for all our needs – think iPlayer, MP3 downloads etc – the actual infrastructure upon which this is being built is decidedly shaky. GB does not have the broadband capability to match the ever-growing demand and when we all change to IPTV – well, don’t even go there.

The suggestion is that fibre to the home would be the answer but that would be a costly exercise and who would foot the bill?

This conjures up an interesting vision of a sudden reversal to life without the Internet. Where would we all be? No on-line shopping, no instant answers to questions, having to post letters and press releases (having to print them off too – not very green), the list is endless.

I am sure it will never come to that but it once again it is a case of “seemed like a good idea at the time” with anyone realising where it could all lead.
